07835 489966


Capture a special moment forever

Freestanding 3D Casts

Beautiful 3D casts capture every tiny detail

Capture a special moment to treasure forever

3D casts are the perfect way to capture every tiny line, crease and wrinkle of the special person in your life.

Each unique cast is hand painted with a several fine coats of metallic paint and finished with sealer to protect them.    A handmade solid wood base can be added if you wish.

Casts take approximately 5 weeks to complete.

Hand & Foot Casts finished in silver

Baby & Child Casts

Prices up to 12 months.  Other prices available upon request.

Single Foot  £50
Single Hand £60
Two Feet £90
Hand & Foot £100
Two Hands £110
Wood Base £10

Engraved Name Plaque £5