07835 489966


Capture a special moment forever

What's Involved?

The process for taking prints

How we take prints

Silver Jewellery

If you would like our handcrafted silver jewellery you are welcome to come to us to have prints taken.  If you'd prefer to take them yourself or live away, we have easy to use kits that we can post to you. Once we have your prints, we will make your jewellery which will be ready to be collected or posted back to you in two weeks. 

Please contact us to book an appointment or arrange payment (for orders by post).   

Fingerprint jewellery

Fingerprints are captured by pressing a finger into soft putty.  Each kit contains enough putty to take two prints and we will use the best one.  We take the print from the putty and use it to make your chosen item of fine silver jewellery. Every piece is bespoke and created individually for you.

Hand and Footprint jewellery

Hand and foot prints are created by using inkless wipes and specially coated paper both of which are non-toxic and are baby safe (the same kits are used by hospitals to capture babies hand/foot prints).

Hands and feet are wiped with the inkless wipe and then pressed onto the paper and gently removed.   The print will quickly develop on the paper in seconds.  Once we have your prints, we will carry out the rest of the developing process at our premises and then create your individual chosen item of fine silver jewellery.   If you are taking the prints yourself, you can either post them back to us or scan them and email them to us.

If you order a kit to take the prints yourself, full step by step instructions are included.