07835 489966


Capture a special moment forever

Gift Vouchers

Give someone a unique gift they will love forever

Gift vouchers are the perfect solution if you just can't decide which fantastic keepsake to choose and are now available to purchase online.

All vouchers have space for you to include a personal message and are valid for one year.   They come with a separate product card so the lucky recipient can see what you have treated them to.

Perfect gift for baby showers, new parents, maternity leave, christening, special birthdays, mothers/fathers day, engagements, weddings.

If you would like to purchase a voucher for a specific item, for example a fingerprint pendant, we are happy to make the voucher out for this.  Alternatively they can be made out for a specific monetary value.

Expiry:  All vouchers are valid for 12 months from date of purchase.

Gift vouchers can be collected in person or sent by post (£1.50 p&p)

Please contact me to arrange.
